Don Bahadur Karki $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00
Rishi Dhakal $3,049.00 $3,049.00 $0.00
Ram babu Pandey $6,612.00 $6,612.00 $0.00
Ram Lama $1,554.00 $1,554.00 $0.00
Total $12,215.00 $12,215.00 $0.00

Foundation obtains business license

Press Release   (February 25, 2015  )
Foundation obtains business license
Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA today obtained a Business License Certificate(#112639) from the City of Norwalk to carry out its religious and cultural activities in its property located at 10843 Kenney Street, Norwalk, CA 90650. We are now authorized to organize religious, cultural, and community programs in the property we bought more than two years ago. This is one of the greatest achievements of the diaspora Nepalese community residing in Southern California. The Foundation was desperately waiting for the occupancy permit and a business license for the last one-and-a-half years, and it was being delayed because of an unauthorized building modification apparently done by the previous owner and the amendments to the city’s building rules and regulations since the building was originally built. Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA will organize all the religious and cultural activities in its own property from now onwards.

The Foundation has already initiated process to procure the murtis (images) of deities by forming a Murti Purchase Committee comprising Bhakta Thapa (coordinator), Rishi Dhakal, Akaraj Pandey, Dr. Deepak Simkhada, and Dr. Jeet Joshee; community members and/or experts will be added as needed. We request all our community members to offer suggestions about murtis and recommend agents/suppliers in Nepal and India. We will start installing the images of gods and goddesses soon.

This huge project would not have been possible without the united efforts of our community members, who have donated from a penny to $111,111.11. Our mission is to build a temple that will replicate the Nepalese religious characteristics and preserve and promote our age-old language, religion, culture, and tradition in the United States. The Foundation’s current board is relentlessly moving ahead in accomplishing its mission through cooperation and collaboration with the Nepalese community members and local Nepalese organizations.

We have been able to strengthen our financial condition in the last four years although we are still short of about $500,000 to complete the first phase of the project, i.e. to pay off the mortgage and install the murtis of gods and goddesses in the property we own now. After collecting opinions from community members and pundits, the board has decided to install the images of Shiva, Ganesh, Durga, Saraswati, Bishnu, and Buddha. We are looking for donations to bring the temple components, including Shiva Linga and Gajur from Nepal. If you are interested in sponsoring the temple components, please contact one of our directors or our office.

We hope to welcome our valued community members to our temple premises very soon, and we believe that the Nepalese of all religious, cultural, and political faiths will be able to unite at the center. We express our sincerest gratitude to our valued community members, representatives of local community organizations, donors, entrepreneurs, journalists, and professionals for their continued support and cooperation. Please feel free to visit our office or email us at [email protected] if you have any suggestions or comments.

Rameshor Bhandari

प्रेस बिज्ञप्ती

श्री पशुपतिनाथ फाउण्डेसन, यु एस ए को प्रेस बिज्ञप्ती

“नेपालीपन, नेपालीमन” जहाँ गए पनि छुट्दैन भन्ने कुरा लस एन्जलस तथा वरपर बस्ने नेपालीहरू बाट  प्रमाणित भएको छ । ई. सं. २०१० मा बिधीबत शुरु भएको श्री पशुपतिनाथ फाउण्डेसन, यु एस ए ले छोटो समयमानै जीरो बाट शुरु गरि अहिले दश लाख पचास हजार ($१,०५०,०००) अमेरिकन डलरमा आफ्नै घर र जग्गा किन्न सफल भएको छ ।

एक पेन्नी देखि लिएर $१११,१११.११ सम्म दान दिने दानीहरू भएको यस क्षेत्रमा फाउण्डेसनले अरु बिभिन्न संघ संस्थाहरुसंग हातेमालो गर्दै प्रमुख नेपाली चाडपर्ब मनाउंदै आईरहेको छ । २००९ बाटनै चन्दा उठाउने क्रम शुरु भएर “महापुराण, २०११” मा फाउण्डेसनलाई दस लाख भन्दा बढी अमेरिकन डलरको “संकल्प” भएकोमा हालसम्म छ लाख भन्दा बढी अमेरिकन डलर नगद प्राप्त भैसकेको छ ।

महापुराण पछि फाउण्डेसनका अध्यक्ष श्री भक्त थापा को नेत्रित्वमा “घर तथा जग्गा” खोज्ने क्रम जारी रह्यो र धेरै ठाउँमा गएर हेरी, अनुसन्धान गर्ने क्रममा हालसालै नर्वाक, क्यालिफोर्नियामा रहेको चर्च $१,०५०,०००.०० मा किन्ने प्रक्रिया पुरा भएको छ । पटक, पटकको बोर्ड मीटिङले उचित ठानेर हालको चर्च किनियो जसका लागि आवश्यक पर्ने ग्यारेन्टरहरू बोर्ड मीटिङले निर्धारित गर्यो र वहाँहरू हुनुहुन्छ: अध्यक्ष भक्त थापा, प्रथम उपाध्यक्ष गोकुल पौड्याल, कोषाध्यक्ष पुन्नाखर “ऋषि” ढकाल, बोर्डका सदष्य एकराज “नारायण” पाण्डे (हाल सम्मका ठुला दानी जसले फाउण्डेसनलाई $१११,१११.११ दान गर्नु भएको छ) तथा अर्का ठुला दानी राम लामा (हाल सम्मका दोश्रा ठुला दानी जसले फाउण्डेसनलाई $६६,६६६.६६  दान गर्नु भएको छ ।”)

शुरुमा $५५०,०००.०० (पाँच लाख पचास हजार अमेरिकन डलर) नगद दिएर तिन बर्ष भित्रमा बाँकि $५००,०००.०० (पाँच लाख अमेरिकन डलर) बुझाउने शर्तमा फाउण्डेसनले १०८४३ र १०८५७ केनी स्ट्रीट, नर्वाक, क्यालिफोर्निया, ९०६५० का चर्च भएका घरहरू र जग्गा किनेको छ।

श्री पशुपतिनाथ फाउण्डेसन, यु एस ए को मिसन अनुसार : नेपाली सामुदायिक भवन, श्री पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर र बुद्ध स्तुपा बनाउने क्रमको यो पहिलो सुरुवात हो जुन ज्यादै हौशलापुर्ण रहेको छ ।

फाउण्डेसनलाई बिगतका दिनहरुमा हर तरहले सहयोग गर्नु हुने फाउण्डेसनका पदाधिकारीहरू,  बोर्ड मेम्बरहरू, बोर्ड सल्लाहकारहरू तथा वहाँका परिवारका सदस्यहरू, दाताहरु, स्थानिय नेपाली संघ संस्थाहरु, स्वयम्सेवकहरू, पत्रकार, मीडिया पार्टनर,आमा बुवा, दाजुभाई, दिदीबहिनीहरू लगायत सम्पुर्ण नेपाली तथा नेपाललाई माया गर्नुहुने सबैलाई हाम्रो तर्फबाट मुरी मुरी धन्यबाद दिन चाहन्छौं ।

यहाँहरूको माया, ममता, दानी भावना, उत्साह, सहयोगले यो कार्य पूरा हुन गएकोमा दुई मत छैन र आगामी दिनहरुमा पनि यस्तै सहयोग प्राप्त भईरहने छ भन्ने आशा राखेका छौं । साथै फाउण्डेसनले आयोजना गरेका बिभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरुमा पूर्ण सहयोग गर्नुहुने महान ब्यक्तित्वहरू प्रति हामी आभारी छौँ ।

तिन बर्ष भित्रमा बांकी रकम भुक्तान गर्नुपर्ने भएकाले यहाँहरुले आँफुले गरेको संकल्पको रकम सकेसम्म चाँडै उपलब्ध गराई अरुलाई पनि दान गर्न प्रोत्शाहन गर्नु हुनेछ भन्ने पूर्ण आशा राखेका छौं ।

यहाँहरू लाई कुनै प्रश्न सोध्नु छ वा कुनै सुझाब वा गुनासो भएमा फाउण्डेसनलाई जानकारी गराउनु होला । फाउण्डेसन तपाईँहरुकै संस्था भएकाले मनमा लागेका कुराहरूलाई हाम्रो समक्ष पुर्याईदिनु भयो भने भबिष्यमा अझ बढी सेवा गर्ने प्रण गर्दछौँ ।

नेपालीपन, नेपालीमन कहाँ भुल्न सक्नु,

केही गर्न सकिएन भन्दै निरास किन बन्नु,

मौका आज आएको छ, सक्ने सहयोग गरौँ,

नेपालीपन जोगाउन सबै अघि सरौं ।

~ प्रेम गुरागाईँ

महासचिव तथा मिडिया को-अर्डिनेटर

श्री पशुपतिनाथ फाउण्डेसन, यु एस ए

November 22, 2012

Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran – Press Release

Press Release

Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA
Los Angeles, California


Monday, July 18, 2011

“We must remember that one DETERMINED person can make a significant difference, and that a SMALL GROUP OF DETERMINED PEOPLE can change the course of history.”

~Sonia Johnson, American Activist and Writer

Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA came into existence, in Greater Los Angeles, CA area in less than two years ago, by a group of few individuals, with the active participation of existing Nepalese organizations and also active Nepalese community members, having the following mission:

The mission of Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA is to promote the unique identity of Nepal in the United States as the land of Pashupatinath, the birthplace of the Buddha and Mount Everest. Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA aims to unite Nepalis of all religious persuasions in the United States, especially in the greater Los Angeles area, by fostering cultural and social harmonies. Toward this goal, Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA will build a cultural center to bring Nepalis and non-Nepalis under one roof to engage them in art, culture, education and religion which will culminate a deeper understanding of diversities in communities and nations. It is also the goal of Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA to build a Buddha temple along side of the Pashupatinath temple, to preserve the artistic and cultural heritage, which is reflected in Nepal’s respect and tolerance for each other.

Since its inception, Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA Board Members and Members of Board of Advisors, have been actively participating in various activities, to promote “Nepalipan and Nepaliman” in foreign land by conducting: Weekly Nepali School for children; Monthly Satsangs; Teaching Dance to children; participating in Holi, Mahashivaratri; Dance performance at Lhosar, Lok Dohori organized by Magar Samaj, USA and many other activities. Community Members have full co-operation to participate in these program. It is a strong UNITED community when it comes to “IDENTITY OF NEPALESE AS RESPECTED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD.”

In order to fulfill the MISSION of Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA, we have organized various fundraising activities and collected some amount. After consulting with other organizations which had done something similar, our Board Members and Advisors decided to organize week long “Mahapurana” in Greater Los Angeles area and invited Vaachan Siromani Deen Bandhu Pokhrel. Because of the UNITY from all other Nepalese Organizations and community members, Steering Committee was formed under the leadership of Foundation Treasurer  Punnakhar “Rishi” Dhakal and we decided to start the Purana on July 4 and end on July 10, 2011. Our TEAM Members have always been open minded to learn from other’s wisdom and never had an attitude to “show off” or “self-promotion” as the final aim was to raise funds so that we could achieve our goal of raising $2 Million in the next 5 Years to : build Nepali Community Center; Shree Pashupatinath Temple and Lord Buddha Stupa in Greater Los Angeles area.  Once the Steering Committee was formed, each and every TEAM member put everything aside and focused 100% to the PURANA for a whole week. After many meetings, discussion sessions, brainstorming, plans were made, to be more effective during the PURANA.

On July 4, 2010, Opening Ceremony was held under the chairmanship of Foundation Chairman Bhakta Thapa and all the Advisors of the Board: Mr. Veda Bhakta Joshi, Dr. Deepak Shimkhada, Engineer Kanhaiya Lal Kayastha, Dr. Shambhu Dhungana, Dr. Shyam Tulachan, Professor Binod Tiwari and guest Dr. Jeet Joshee (Associate Vice President and Dean, International, Continuing and Professional Education, California State University, Long Beach).

Gokul Poudyal, Vice President of the Foundation, gave welcome speech; Program Co-ordinator Punnakhar “Rishi” Dhakal, spoke about the program details; General Secretary of the Foundation Prem Guragain read the greetings from H.E. Ambassador Shankar P. Sharma and other local Nepalese Organizations. After that, Pandit Deen Bandhu Pokhrel spoke about the importance of the Mahapurana and encouraged everybody to participate for the whole week and let others know about it. Finally, Chairman Bhakta Thapa thanked everybody and concluded the “Opening Ceremony”, to start Mahapurana. Surya Prasai did a wonderful job of announcing the program since day one to the end.

Various committees did wonderful job organizing everything (ladies volunteers had a tremendous role to make it very smooth) and a new person could feel absolute UNITY, happy environment inside the temple where the program was organized. People with open heart, pledged the amount, paid cash, wrote checks and everyday, there were exciting and encouraging news from donors. Donors had donated in the loving memory of their parents, brothers, sister in law, brother in law; encouraging their children, grand children and the list is endless. It was a heart touching environment and many community members came everyday after work since Purana was from 5PM to 9 PM everyday except on Sunday, it was from 8AM to 12 Noon.

There have been donors from ONE PENNY (Tilak Karki) who donated his time from day one to the last day and took over 10,000 pictures and distributed to each family,  and donors like Aka Raj and Neera Pandey who donated $111,111.11 and gave $25,000.00 cash already. Other great donors who wanted this DREAM of the community to be fulfilled as soon as possible were: Ram Lama ($66,666.66), Veda B. Joshi ($57,808.00), Punnakhar “Rish” &Bimala, Bhim&Saraswoti Dhakal($55,555.55), Bhakta  & Nanu Thapa ($50,151.00), Rajendra & Sangita Siwakoti($50,151.00) , Shiva Adhikari ($40,000.00), Basudev & Lata Ghimire ($35,555.00), Keshar & Sujana Bhandari ($25,555.55), Engineer Kanhaiya Lal Kayastha & Mrs. Rohini Lata Kayastha ($25,175.11) , Gokul & Sulakhana Poudyal ($25,111.11), Rajesh & Bhawani Pandey ($15,151.51) and many more generous donors.  Gokul Poudyal had also pledged to donate 10 cents from each box of incense, imported from Nepal. Prem & Brinda Guragain, donated $15,001.00 also pledged to contribute 20% Royalty from CD Album and a book, being published soon. There were almost three hundred families who donated from ONE PENNY to $111,111.11. The amount donated in seven days Purana was just over ONE MILLION U.S. Dollars.

It was not just the amount of money that was donated, people had generously contributed their time, skills, networking and brought so many families to the Purana.

On the final day on Sunday, July 10, 2011, program was concluded with Thank You speech by Foundation Vice Chairman Shiva K. Adhikari, the final report was presented by Punnakhar “Rishi” Dhakal, H.E. Ambassador Shankar P. Sharma from Washington DC congratulated the organizers, Mr. Veda B. Joshi talked about honoring the commitment and finally chairman Bhakta Thapa thanked all the participants as well as the volunteers and there was an inspiring talk by Pandit Deen Bandhu Pokhrel. Chairman Bhakta Thapa and Mr. Veda B. Joshi, had given the “Certification of Appreciation” to Pandit Deen Bandhu Pokhrel. “Lakh Baati” was burned outside by more than seven families (One Lakh each). It was overall, an event to remember for life and “Historical Event” for people living in and around Greater Los Angeles area.

There have been so many miracles and every participant in the Purana felt great since the volunteers were from small children all the way to older people, holding hands together, to make the Purana a grand success. “Prasad” Team led by Mukunda Dhungana, did a fabulous job, of making sure that each individual had “Prasad” before they went home. Still today, many community members talk about the smooth operation in the kitchen. Mandap Committee led by Nanu Thapa, Neera Pandey, Manita Basnet, and many other wonderful ladies made the MANDAPA look beautiful and attractive.

Music TEAM led by Pratap Rijal and other committed TEAM members made the environment so spiritual that everybody felt like dancing on the floor. Pandit Bishnu Paudel and Pandit Mukunda Dawadi helped Pandit Deen Bandhu Pokhrel, for the whole seven days. Volunteers at the gate, reception area, T-Shirts Table, Cash Collection, Media, Sound System, Photography/ Video Recording, Phul/Prasad managing, Public Relations, Volunteer Arrangement, Panchkanya Arrangement, Community Mobilization, Publication and Printing, Souvenir, Computer & IT support, Announcement and Communication, had done a remarkable job. There have been more than 100 committed volunteers who made this a grand success.

The success of the event was because of the selfless heart, hard work, dedication, commitment, UNITY by each and every volunteer involved in the PURANA.

The following quote by Aesop, Ancient Greek Fabulist applied to this event:


We believe in UNITY and know for sure that our DREAM as a community, will be fulfilled in less than 5 Years.

Thank you Punnakhar “Rishi” Dhakal, the Program Co-Ordinator and all the Officers of the Foundation for your commitment, hard work, dedication, loving heart and selfless acts.  We are one STRONG TEAM, moving forward in fast speed.

At the end, I would like to thank our Media TEAM: Rajendra Siwakoti, Sudip Pant, Gokul Poudyal and Gokul Dhakal, who worked tirelessly to promote the event and spread the most positive, exciting news out there so that more and more people came next day, the following day and were overwhelmed by seeing the UNITY of the people under one roof.

We are publishing the name of “Donors” and would like to thank you for your generous donations which will help us fulfill the MISSION of the Foundation in a very near future. Your contributions mean “everything” to us and always hope to get continuous support in the future.

Since there have been many donors and supporters, you might find a few mistakes on your name, amount or comments. I apologize in advance and promise you that as soon as we hear from you, we will correct it right away. Please contact us through email at : [email protected] or through the website:

Prem Guragain
General Secretary and Media Co-Ordinator

Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA


Dear Friends,

We would like to inform you that we are organizing a dinner function followed by real live Nepali concert program and dance party with our famous artist Harish Matema,Raju Lama and Anita Subba in Bombay Garden Restaurant,Artesia,CA. please help to make this program successful and invite as many people as you can. The benefit of this program will be hand over to Shree Pashupatinath Foundation USA.


Date 21st June 2010,Monday
Venus-Bombay Garden Restaurant
17221 Pioneer blvd,Artesia
Tel – 562 860 4608
Artist-Harish Mathema,Raju Lama and Anita Subba

Organizer-Dil Shrestha,Gokul Poudel, Ekraj Pandey(Narayan) and Gokul dhakal


Ekraj Pandey,Nepal Crafts
Ram Babu Pandey,(Babu Enterprises)
Prushottom Pandey
Dipak Pathak ( Namaste Handicrafts)
Rishi Dakal ( Rising nternational)
Gokul Dakal ( munlight handicrafts)
Bhakta Thapa
Bimal Guragain
Tara Gurung
Madan Pathak
T J Imports
India Arts
Dipak Pandey
Gokul Poudel

Yoga, Meditation and Satsang with Guru Dr. Chintamani Yogi ji

Dear Valued TEAM Members,

It gives an immense pleasure to inform you that Guru Dr. Chintamani Yogi ji has agreed to spend some time with the officers of Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA on Sunday, May 30, 2010.

Please come to the following location on Sunday, May 30, 2010 at 11 AM at:

Open Hall @ India Cafe
11435 South St

CerritosCA 90703

(562) 860-4700

I am attaching a Youtube link about one of the Satsangs Guruji did last year in San Diego :

His official website:

If you have any questions, please call me at: 714-395-0292.
See you on Sunday.
Thank  you everybody in advance, for your participation. It will be a great Interaction Program with Dr. Yogiji.
Shree Pashupatinath Foundation, USA

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